Online shopping is quite easy with just a few clicks away you'll get the product you want, but what if the desired product has a limited time sale and a lot of people wants to get a piece of it? Well, I guess it is not really easy at all. You need to block off your calendars or maybe set an alarm for the event. I could say marketing scheme of is really effective because they really got me on this one.
I bought a brand new Alcatel One Flash Plus because of the price and amazing specifications. Maybe this time you have seen a lot of information about this product from other reviewers/bloggers, but this post is fairly about the after purchase and will showcase the highlights and low points of the phone.
What is it for me?
Alcatel One Flash Plus is a good choice for a mid range phone. It caters to the need of an average user like me. It run smoothly and has a decent performance. Since, my phone is already rooted, I have a permission to tweak it and delete all unnecessary apps. I've been using this phone for almost 2 months now and I have no plan to replace it. I'm just hoping that someone or the alcatel group find ways to enhance it better because this phone really worth your money.
Another good thing about this phone, it has a support group on facebook, so whenever you feel that there is something wrong with your device you can easily post your queries and you'll get an immediate response without going into service center not unless if it is for replacement.
I bought a brand new Alcatel One Flash Plus because of the price and amazing specifications. Maybe this time you have seen a lot of information about this product from other reviewers/bloggers, but this post is fairly about the after purchase and will showcase the highlights and low points of the phone.
Photo in a Low Light Condition
Alcatel One Flash Plus is a good choice for a mid range phone. It caters to the need of an average user like me. It run smoothly and has a decent performance. Since, my phone is already rooted, I have a permission to tweak it and delete all unnecessary apps. I've been using this phone for almost 2 months now and I have no plan to replace it. I'm just hoping that someone or the alcatel group find ways to enhance it better because this phone really worth your money.
Another good thing about this phone, it has a support group on facebook, so whenever you feel that there is something wrong with your device you can easily post your queries and you'll get an immediate response without going into service center not unless if it is for replacement.